Univid pitches the future of livestreaming in the final of Business Challenge
Updated: March 2nd, 2022
Published: October 21st, 2020
Univid pitches the future of livestreaming in Business Challenge Sweden, where we discuss the future of live streaming and explain where Univid fits in to the digital ecosystem of the future. đ

We are super excited to have made it to the finals and have the opportunity to pitch the future of live streaming in the final of one of the biggest and most prestigious entrepreneurship and start-up competitions in Sweden. We told the story of Univid and how it connects to SDGs of the United Nations, especially considering Goal 4 concerning quality education for everyone, but also how traveling patterns in society can change when remote learning becomes a real and viable option, not just a compromise. We explained how Univid can truly make a difference, enabling and making live streaming accessible. The pitch was evaluated by the grand jury from PwC Sverige. Read more about Business Challenge
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