A 101 guide to marketing your webinar in 6 steps
If you want to guarantee that no one misses out on your webinar, then a successful marketing strategy is fundamental. In this article, we will give you the inside scoop on how to go about marketing your upcoming webinar so it doesn't get lost in the noise - stay tuned below for a juicy guide!

There’s no point in putting all of the effort into putting together an impressive webinar that won’t end up having an audience to experience it!
Before you start promoting your event, make sure to do two things, first:
Choose a topic that isn’t too esoteric. Choose one that straddles the line between broad and specific; you need to ensure that your topic will actually be of interest to people. If it’s something boring or irrelevant to your target audience demographic, then people won’t turn up- simple!
Do some SEO research when titling your webinar too, so you have a good idea of what keywords to use. Use that same title for subsequent blog posts.
Consequently, also think carefully about what day of the week and time of the day to set your webinar. You need to make sure that you don’t host it during a weekend (for obvious reasons). Likewise, you’d be well advised to skip Mondays and Fridays as your webinar day-both days where the majority of people are either catching up on work or busy with last-minute emergencies, or are mentally checked out and preparing for the weekend.
Time is important, because it all depends on your target demographic’s time zone. You don’t want to miss a chunk of clients/customers because they’re asleep when your webinar takes place.
If you are unsure - check out our free webinar scheduler tool to find the best time.
Now, onto our marketing tips and tricks!
1. Create an informative landing page
A landing page or registration page is a place where your attendees can gather for information and reminders. Your landing page should be your one-stop-shop for all of the answers your guests will have questions to. Your landing page should introduce your host and guest speakers, explaining who they are and why they matter.
It should also include a brief description of what the webinar is about and some of the topics it will cover, and what guests should expect (alongside, of course, the time and date of the webinar, as laid out above!).
Use this page to explain when and how the webinar will be accessible. Typically, webinars are accessible via links and can be joined 30 minutes prior to the start time.
Explain the value of your webinar. What will people be able to do after they leave your webinar that they weren’t able to prior to attending- and if they can access the webinar recording afterwards, include a link to it here afterwards, so they can revisit anything they missed. In the Univid webinar platform you can easily add a registration page with a click to your webinar session - a smooth alternative to creating your own landing page and form on your own website. If you need inspiration, check out our ultimate recipe for a registration page. If you want to use your own website you can simply integrate via Hubspot forms, or similar, to get a nice flow with Univid confirmations, reminders, etc!
Send out a confirmation and thank you email for signing up to the webinar as soon as someone registers. But also: keep those reminders coming!
People are busy, so registrants will need lots of reminder emails in the coming weeks. People often sign up for webinars weeks in advance, so it's critical that you're making an effort to keep your webinar in their mind. Not only will you look polite, but you’ll also get to know how many people plan on attending.
3. Keep track of your marketing performance.
You should track performance on at least a weekly basis to see whether your marketing efforts are working, and whether your registrant numbers are growing or remaining stagnant. That way, if you need to dial up your promotion due to low initial registration numbers, you'll know what to do to fix it.
4. Utilize the power of social media and your strong existing channels.
Don’t let your socials go ignored. Use accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, TikTok, whatever floats your boat, to spread the word about your webinar and reach audiences that may extend past your intended target demographic.
Also, be aware of your own strong channels. Maybe you have a newsletter with a ton of followers, maybe you have employees who are big on social media who are up for sharing, or your sales team can push it to all their customers with a personal touch. Utilize your companies core channels and don't be afraid to put your colleagues to work!
Don't forget to read our blog about advocacy marketing - the webinar that spreads itself.
5. Blog about your upcoming webinar.
Blog posts serve many functions- reminding your registrants about the webinar; informing those who don’t know about it yet, who may sign up; giving you the ability to expand upon the info set out in your social media posts, which often are limited in how much you can write.
6. Last, but not least: use Univid to ensure the smoothest webinar experience!
You want to promote a webinar event that won’t end up disappointing- and we all know how frustrating it is to be on the receiving end of a constantly glitching stream.
The Univid webinar platform enables you to create beautiful, interactive, and fun live experiences that people will remember, all without being a technical wizard. Not only can you build your custom event in seconds, keep your audience engaged via quizzes and polls, but we give you smart workflows to increase signup rates, create marketing material, and tools to analyze your event’s statistics. Try our useful free tools to using our platform.
With Univid you don't have to be a tech whizz or a qualified graphic designer. Our event spaces can be created with a template in less than 60 seconds - allowing you to create stylish events that impress your audience and drive more signups.
By measuring the impact of your event, you can also see what the highlights were, which segments your audience responded the most to and were the most engaged with, all information you can put towards your future marketing efforts.
Marketing in our day and age goes beyond simple word of mouth: use all of the tools at your disposal so that your webinar will be as jam-packed and effective as you aim for it to be!
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