On-demand webbinariet - Din guide till inspelade webinars
Vad är ett on-demand webinar? Här är allt du behöver veta om inspelade webinars, och att ge dina deltagare bra upplevelser on-demand.

Webinars are a great way to convert more leads or educate customers. But are they just live?
No - webinars come in many formats. They can be live, on-demand, or pre-recorded. Here is a breakdown of the on-demand webinar format, when you should opt for hosting on-demand, and how you can use it in your webinar mix.
What is an on-demand webinar?
An on-demand webinar is a pre-recorded webinar available for users to access when it suits them. Unlike live webinars, participants can sign up and view the content anytime.
This format is excellent for repurposing past live webinars or creating fresh content. On-demand webinars help businesses (A) capitalise on already produced content, and (B) build new content that remains valuable over time.

Types of webinars - on-demand vs. live
There are few different types of webinars you can host. The most common webinar types are the following:
Live webinars - a webinar that takes place LIVE
On-demand webinars - simply a recording that attendees can access whenever they want
Simulated webinars (also called pre-recorded) - a recording that is played at a specific time, so it appears to be live

When to host on-demand webinars?
Here are 5 examples when it would make sense to host an on-demand webinar:
1. After your live webinar - use on-demand as a way to allow people who missed your webinar, want to re-watch it, or share it with their peers.
2. If you have a very busy crowd - people are often busy, and might not be able to make it to your scheduled live webinar. Offer on-demand - as an opportunity to watch your content it suits them.
3. If you want maximize reach - on-demand can make sense if you want to get a lot of reach and awareness, as it is convenient to watch, whenever you want.
4. You want to get more out of existing content - publishing existing live webinars -> on-demand, or other content you have already produced, can be a great way to get additional traffic, awareness, and leads. Too many don't make enough use of their already produced material.
5. Rank on long-tail SEO and enrich blog posts - just like this blog post is not just text, all content appreciate visual elements. Google loves it too. Add on-demand webinars to relevant blog posts, or landing pages with the transcripts - and enjoy free organic traffic from Google.
How to host an on-demand webinar
Here is a real life example on how you can run a webinar on-demand - in three simple steps.
STEP 1) Record your video
You need a video to host an on-demand webinar. So start by recording your webinar video. Most of the time you do this by actually hosting a live webinar, that also is recorded.

You can use your webinar platform, like Univid to record your webinar (it's automatically recorded when you press 'go live') or use a local software like OBS.
STEP 2) Edit the video and upload
If you need to - make some adjustments or edits. However, leave most parts raw and unedited - so trimming the start and end is typically enough.
Remember: You don't want it to feel to polished as it's still labeled a webinar - and not a heavily edited Youtube video.

Great job - now you are ready to upload your pre-recorded video to your webinar platform. In Univid you can simply upload a .mp4 file, or select a webinar you already hosted live or recorded directly in the interface.

STEP 3) Market your on-demand webinar
Using a webinar platform, you can easily (A) put your on-demand webinar behind a registration form (ie. gated content) - to make sure you collect valuable leads data like email, or company name. Or (B) you can keep it open for anyone.

Gated vs open on-demand webinars - why not mix formats like Univid customer Inyett
For more inspo - see The Webinar Recording Guide. With 4 examples of different ways how you can use webinar recordings.
Webinars on-demand - gated content vs. open
For each of the two strategies for on-demand, there are a number of pros and cons:
On-demand webinar | Gated | Open |
Pros | Leads data, plenty of analytics | Easy to access, awareness |
Cons | Harder to access, less eyes reach the content | No leads data, limited analytics |
Depending on your strategy or ICP - it might make sense to go either way, or keep some of your on-demand webinars open for anyone, and some more targeted behind a form.
Try creating your own on-demand webinar
Try recording your own on-demand webinar in Univid:s platform yourself - by creating a webinar for free below👇
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