Clean livestream mode without distractions. Just the live video + reactions. Perfect when you want the attendees' full attention, or if you are hosting large scale live streams.

Who is this template for?

This template is ideal for companies that want to host professional, distraction-free livestreams where attendees can maintain full focus on the content being presented. It is especially suited for large audiences where seamless engagement and clear communication are crucial.

Title Placeholder

"The Ultimate Live Experience on [Topic]"


"Join us for our BIG yearly live experience."


Clean livestream, Distraction-free webinar, Professional livestream, Large audience webinar, Focused webinar, Corporate livestream, Seamless engagement, [Topic] livestream

Suggested Agenda

  • Welcome and Overview of the Livestream Structure

  • In-Depth Exploration of [Topic]

  • Key Takeaways and Practical Applications

  • Interactive Q&A Session

  • Closing Remarks and Call to Action

Short Social Media Post

"Experience a BIG livestream on [Topic]. Join us for our yearly live where we have taken production to the next level. Sign up now! #bigevent #live #launch

Suggested CTA

"Get PDF with key points and exclusive offer"

Testa webinarmall

Clean Live Stream

[Free webinar template]

Clean livestream mode without distractions. Just the live video + reactions. Perfect when you want the attendees' full attention, or if you are hosting large scale live streams.

Testa webinarmall
event blog article author
Jonathan Rintala

Frågor och svar

What is a Univid webinar template?
A Univid webinar template is a shared template of a Univid webinar setup. It can involve themes, colors, settings and activated functionality like polls, reactions, Q&A, etc. The templates allows you to share your favorite workflows and designs with the community, or duplicate webinar workflows that you want to use yourself.
How do I duplicate a Univid webinar template?
Navigate to the template you want to duplicate and press the 'duplicate template' button. If logged out, or if you don't have an account yet - you will be prompted to sign in or create one first. Then the template will be automatically added to your discover feed, and you can start, customizing and create your own version of it.
How do I download a Univid webinar template?
Duplicating a Univid template is the same thing as downloading it. It will automatically be available in your Discover Feed, and you can continue work with your own copy of it. Get started by pressing the pink 'duplicate' button on the template's page, and find it inside of your feed.
How do I make a Univid webinar template?
You can login or sign up in the upper right corner to create your own sessions and templates from scratch. Access to add your own Univid webinar templates to the official gallery is still in beta. Soon you will soon be able to add your own copies to the template gallery. For now you can enjoy the existing ones created by Team Univid and some selected beta creators. Reach out below if you want to have early access to the creator community.
Kom igång idagGör som över 70.000 användare och skapa engagerande webbinarier med Univid.Testa UnividVisa mig en demo